Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted on Friday that two-factor authentication for its app is “embarrassingly late” but apparently is now on the way.
Musk did not approve a timeline, but said on Twitter that two-factor authentication – which adds an additional step to verify a user’s identity at sign-in – is in “final validation”.
Judging from Musk’s, Tesla’s 2FA will be available via SMS and authenticator apps, which are generally considered more secure.
Late last year, Musk said that Tesla was working on “foundation upgrades” to Tesla’s core operating system and would be introducing 2FA shortly after. The app basically serves as a key for the company’s latest models, allowing remote locking and unlocking, among other options.
Tesla vehicles are considered theft-proof, as they include always-on GPS which lets owners track their vehicles.
The company also introduced PIN code entry for its cars in 2018. Adding 2FA, which requires entering a code generated from a separate device (usually a smartphone), will add yet another layer of security for its keyless systems.
Musk did not say when Tesla’s 2FA would be available.
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